
Gossip "Haters"

This short devotion suggests that we have a bias in favor of some sins and against others. I think you'll agree.

Suppose that you said, "Gossip is a sinful practice that isn’t good for individuals or communities." And someone in your Bible study group immediately rebuked you, saying:

“We need to stop being ‘haters.’ It’s not our business to judge gossips. We need to be tolerant of different views. If we genuinely want to represent Christ’s love, we should love gossips and accept them as they are. After all, most of them can’t help it. They’re born gossips.”

Sounds crazy until you substitute the word homosexuals for the word gossips.

Either we believe what Scripture teaches about God's design and warn people of sexual sins which damage their hearts and souls, or we please our culture.

Either we stand firm on the Word of God, trusting that God knows what's best for us, or we let culture define truth and morality (Psalm 119:126-130).

The reason Christians never defend gossips is because they're not culturally approved. But homosexuals are. Scripture condemns both sins, but it condemns homosexuality more strongly.

If we care about homosexuals, we will share God's truth with them.

Who are you going to follow—culture or God? 

Romans 12:2 answers this question for Christians: "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. . . ."
➢If you think God views all sins the same, please read All Sins are Not the Same
➢If you are unaware of the Bible's teaching on homosexuality, please check out Biblical Teaching on Homosexuality
➢I also encourage you to check out the Bible Love Notes Subject Archive which features 60 subjects of interest to Christians.

This short devotion suggests that we have a bias in favor of some sins and against others. I think you'll agree.

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. This makes a lot of sense. God is just. So, He doesn't wink at any sin, even if people deem some acceptable.
