
All the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge

Pause, focus on Jesus, and enjoy this short devotion that shares 11 big benefits of knowing Jesus!

Colossians 2 is such a rich chapter. Let's take a look at some of the wonderful truths it contains.

In Christ we have “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (2:2-3). That’s a great phrase to memorize! 

When we “receive” Christ:

1. We live in Him (2:6).
2. We put down roots in Him (2:7).
3. We’re built up and strengthened in Him (2:7).
4. We overflow with thankfulness in Him (2:7).
5. We’re brought into fullness in Him (2:9-10).
6. We’re “circumcised” in Him (2:11).(1) 
7. By His power our sinful nature is buried (2:11-12).
8. We’re raised to a new life (2:11-12).
9. Our sins are forgiven (2:13).
10. We’re no longer condemned (2:14).
11. We are no longer judged by externals like dietary laws (2:16-23).

Since we have all of these wonderful blessings, Colossians 2 warns us not to be deceived by “fine-sounding arguments” (2:4) or taken captive “through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ” (2:8).

Amen! 💙
(1) Marked with the Spirit – our New Covenant circumcision of the heart – Romans 2:28-29, Ephesians 1:13.

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Pause, focus on Jesus, and enjoy this short devotion that shares 11 big benefits of knowing Jesus!

Bible Love Notes

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