
Clanging Gongs

If you express your views using this popular method, you might as well keep your mouth shut. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

There’s a dangerous trend among Christians: sharing opinions on politics and non-essential doctrines harshly and arrogantly and attacking those who disagree.

It’s easier to criticize the faith, education, or motives of those with whom we disagree than to stick to the subject. But it’s counterproductive. 

Even if we’re discussing essential doctrines, this method is useless. We can be 100% correct and the other person 100% wrong, but we’ll never convince them by questioning their character. In fact, making an argument personal is the best way to keep it from going anywhere. 

Debating issues scripturally is not simply about being right. It’s about sharing truth graciously (Proverbs 15:1-2,4; Ephesians 4:15; Colossians 4:5-6; 2 Timothy 2:25).

We can have great spiritual gifts, great knowledge of God’s Word, great faith to believe God, and even courage to face death for Christ. But if we can’t act in love, especially toward our brothers and sisters in Christ, we’re clanging gongs (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

Let’s share our beliefs kindly or keep our mouths shut.

Exposés, Articles and Videos:
Avoid videos and articles that use mockery, sarcasm, harshness, or arrogance when examining false teachings or false teachers. When they can’t raise objections graciously, their objectivity is in question.

Commenting on Social Media, Blogs, or Websites:
If you comment online, stick to the beliefs in question. Don’t question the motives, character, knowledge, or purposes of those with whom you disagree. Don’t tell someone they’re ignorant, a liar, deceptive, a hypocrite, etc. If you can’t present your view without name-calling, perhaps your view isn't scriptural.

Additional 1-minute devotions on this subject:
Our Words Matter - 26 Scriptures
Seasoned with Salt
Ad Hominem Disagreement - a Sign of Weak Faith

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If you express your views using this popular method, you might as well keep your mouth shut. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes

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