
Living Proof of Romans 8:28

Please listen to this important truth found in the true story of Joseph. It will put all of your problems into perspective. 1-minute devotion. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Joseph

Joseph’s brothers were jealous and hateful. They threw Joseph into a pit and planned to let him die of starvation or animal attack (Genesis 37:23-32)

While he was pleading from the pit, they sat down and ate, and "logically" determined it was better to sell Joseph as a slave than to leave him to die (Genesis 42:21)!

So they watched as their little brother's neck was put in an iron and his feet were put in shackles, and they went home and told their father lies (Psalm 105:17-19).

Joseph didn't see his family again for 22 years, and 13 of those years he spent enslaved or in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. 

God used these great evils to produce great character in Joseph, making him a man of superior faith, forgiveness, and fortitude.(1)

God could have made Joseph’s path easier, but Joseph proved that God can use the worst circumstances for good (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28).

If God can do it for Joseph, He can do it for you!
(1) God never causes people to sin, but He can use any situation for our good (James 1:13).

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Please listen to this important truth found in the true story of Joseph. It will put all of your problems into perspective. 1-minute devotion. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Joseph
Please listen to this important truth found in the true story of Joseph. It will put all of your problems into perspective. 1-minute devotion. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Joseph

Bible Love Notes


  1. Really need to read this devotional for to day

  2. Thank the LORD JESUS for this love note at the right time. I was bitter and angry at 3 people, I was thinking how I wanted to get revenge on them. And I came across this love note. Thank you for what you do.I deserved to get caught but I didn't deserve how they did me. How they humiliated me on the internet. Some days I forgive them other days (I won't go into that). Please pray for me for strength and and a forgiving heart 😪

    1. I'm sorry you are struggling with bitterness, and I pray that you will allow God to free you from all bitterness, fully forgiving those who've hurt you.
