
Why Evolution Doesn't Cut it with Christians

Evolution and Christianity are not compatible. This 1-minute devotion explains how Scripture clearly refutes evolution. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #evolution #creation

Could God have used evolution to inhabit the earth?

Some Christians hold this view, but macroevolution is not compatible with Scripture.(1)

Here are three major reasons:

Evolution and Christianity are not compatible. This 1-minute devotion explains how Scripture clearly refutes evolution. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #evolution #creation
1. It contradicts God's perfection.

God’s works are perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4), but evolution proposes a creation process full of mistakes, mutations, waste and death. Evolution denies God’s divine nature that is present in the complexity, order, design and beauty of creation (Romans 1:20).(2)

2. Death began with sin.

Creation was perfect until Adam and Eve sinned (Genesis 1:31). Death entered the world after man was created, not before (Romans 5:12-17; Romans 8:19-23).(3)

3. Man was made in God's image.

God made man in his image with an eternal soul. He didn't take a highly evolved life-form and give it an eternal soul (Genesis 1:26-28).(4)

Both creation and evolution are faith-based beliefs which examine scientific evidence in light of their presuppositions. Creation is completely compatible with the factual observations of science.

So let's study God's Word, enjoy His creation, trust observable science, and not try to combine godless theories with Christianity (2 Peter 3:3-5).

I strongly encourage you to do today's Bite Size Bible Study so you can have biblical answers when someone asks about evolution. 

Evolution and Christianity are not compatible. This 1-minute devotion explains how Scripture clearly refutes evolution. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #evolution #creation
(1)  Microevolution (adaptations within species) is compatible with biblical Christianity, and it is observable in nature. Macroevolution (changes from one species to another) is not observable, nor is it compatible with Scripture. Find out more in today's Bite Size Bible Study.

(2) Scripture says every single thing that was made was made by Jesus (John 1:3). Why would He purposely make millions of wasteful, nonviable "mistakes"? Before Adam sinned, our world was perfect in every sense. And even in our fallen world, we see the wonderful beauty and complexity of our Creator.

(3) These Scriptures are definitive in denying the theory of evolution as God's method of creation. Evolution teaches that man evolved after millions of years of death. Scripture says death began when Adam sinned. Today's Bite Size Study explains more.

(4) Read more about this in today's Bite Size Bible Study.

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Bible Love Notes


  1. Amen. The Genesis account of creation is a sequence that fits the food chain precisely including the timing of the 4th day with the sun, moon, stars, planets which control the seasons immediately following the creation of the plants. I have just written a book (second edition), The Creation which explains this for children and their parents.

  2. And let us remember that evolution is a scientists that state it as fact err.
    I am God's creation, formed before I was born...not descended from another of His creations.

    1. Yes, good point.
      But I often hear it presented as a fact instead of a theory, and since it is the only thing taught in most science classes, children are growing up with confidence in it.
