
Christ's Effulgence

If you don't know what it means to say Christ is "the effulgence of God's splendor" then you need to read this 1-minute devotion and be en-light-ened. (pun intended) #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I enjoy checking the Greek and Hebrew as well as a variety of English translations when studying a Bible passage. It gives me a deeper understanding of words in God’s Word.(1)

In the little known British translation NEB, I loved the wording of Hebrews 1:3 which called Jesus “the effulgence of God's splendour and the stamp of God's very being.”

Effulgence was a new word for me, so I looked it up to see how it compared to the words “radiance” and “brightness” used by most other English translations.

Effulgence means: “brightness taken to the extreme. You may be dazzled by it, stunned by it, or even overcome by it.”

The Greek word used in this passage is described as “eternal radiance – supremely reflecting the effulgent glory of the Godhead. His eternal light breaks through all the darkness that keeps someone in spiritual ignorance…”

This brought new light to my understanding of my Lord's greatness (pun intended).

Christ’s brightness definitely dazzles, stuns, and overcomes all darkness, despair, doubt, and discouragement!(2)
(1) Despite many inaccurate teachings, there are many excellent English translations of Scripture. See:
Is the King James Version the Best English Translation?
Why are the newer translations of the Bible missing verses?
The King James Only Movement
A video: Can I Trust my English Translation? 
(2) We bask in His light by reading and obeying His Word (Psalm 119:105; James 1:25; 1 John 1:7).

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If you don't know what it means to say Christ is "the effulgence of God's splendor" then you need to read this 1-minute devotion and be en-light-ened. (pun intended) #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes

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