
Checking the Source

Let's beware of the people described in this 1-minute devotion and be aware of how they misuse Scripture. #BibleLoveNote # Bible

Recently I read an article full of historic inaccuracies and unsubstantiated claims, but people were posting it on Facebook. 

I wondered how intelligent people could believe something without checking the source.

Unfortunately, I see this same mindset in many professing Christians.

When culture opposes biblical principles, teachings full of scriptural inaccuracies become popular. 

And I wonder why so many professing Christians believe these teachings without checking the Bible.

But Scripture explains this phenomenon: 

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3

People approach Scripture in one of two ways: wanting to know what Scripture teaches or wanting to "prove" their agenda.

As culture moves further away from biblical principles, we can expect more and more "scoffers" to introduce these false, divisive doctrines (Jude 1).

The only way we avoid these errors is by checking the source of all truth - God's Word (John 17:17).

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Let's beware of the people described in this 1-minute devotion and be aware of how they misuse Scripture. #BibleLoveNote # Bible

Bible Love Notes

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