
I Didn't Know I Had It In Me!

What God Taught Me About Strength When I Almost Missed My Train

We stacked our four seventy-pound suitcases by the train tracks in Frankfurt, but our train pulled in 200 yards further up the track.(1)

My husband strapped a duffel on his back, grabbed two suitcases, and started running. I started after him with the remaining suitcase, but our two backpacks kept sliding off my shoulders, slowing me down.

When my husband boarded our assigned car, I hadn’t even reached the end of the train.

Somehow I got myself, a seventy pound suitcase, and two backpacks up the stairs on the last train car just as it pulled away.

I didn't know I had it in me!

Likewise, I don’t fully understand God's strength and I don't fully depend on it until I'm tested (2 Corinthians 1:8-9).

When God asks us to do something that seems impossible, we need to remember that we "can do everything through Christ, who gives [us] strength" (Philippians 4:13).
(1) This was in 2004, and we had so much luggage because we were moving to Budapest to do Christian work.

What God Taught Me About Strength When I Almost Missed My Train

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