
A Fitting Description for God

A Word That Fits God So Perfectly, But We Use it Too Flippantly

Traveling in Croatia, I was impressed with the rugged mountains jutting above the turquoise waters of the Adriatic Sea.

You can't help but have a healthy fear for their size and presence, and the word awesome continually crossed my lips.

My Hungarian friend Magdi said there’s no equivalent for the word awesome in Hungarian, so she explains it to Hungarians as "admiration mixed with fear."   

That's fitting.

If hikers, boaters, drivers, and aviators have a healthy fear for the rugged mountains of Croatia, they can safely admire and enjoy their beauty. 

That's also true of God.

God’s infinite nature and power inspire a healthy fear,(1) but those who respect God's presence can enjoy and admire the beauty of His salvation and the safety of His love.

"Honor and majesty surround him; strength and joy fill his dwelling." 1 Chronicles 16:27

Today I’m asking God for a better understanding of His awesome character.

Will you join me?
(1) For a better understanding of what it means to have a healthy fear of the Lord, read No Fear and Godly Fear.

A Word That Fits God So Perfectly, But We Use it Too Flippantly

1 comment:

  1. Croatia is beautiful indeed. And I'll join you. I am reading 'Knowing God' by J.I. Packer... I am learning a lot!
