
Is All Truth God's Truth?

Some things to consider before claiming that "all truth is God's truth." Why looking in the trash isn't the best way to find treasure. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Valuable things can be found at the dump, but it’s not the best place to look for them. Thrown in with trash, they get damaged and garbage clings to them.

That's why Christians shouldn't seek answers to their spiritual and emotional problems from secular sources. 

But what about the saying: “All truth is God’s truth"?

Some things to consider before claiming that "all truth is God's truth." Why looking in the trash isn't the best way to find treasure. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
You can find truth in non-Christian self-help books, but you have to dig through error and worldly wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:20). 

And you’ll probably pick up some garbage along the way.

Secular wisdom and Biblical truth have different foundations (Colossians 2:8)

Secular wisdom tells us our main problems are heredity, environment, and circumstances.

God tells us our main problems are sin, self, and distance from God (Romans 3:23; Luke 9:23-24).

The world encourages us to blame others and develop our self-esteem.

God tells us to take responsibility for our sins, trust the guidance of Scripture, and develop God-esteem (1 John 1:9; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 10:31).

Yes, all truth is God's truth, and the Bible is the best place to find it.

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1 comment:

  1. Dear Bible Love Notes team. Let me start to say that you have had an enormous impact on my life and views. Mostly positive. I am a South African and have studied in most physical sciences. Logic is my only thinking processes that I am capable of. My brother is an advocate and he once told me that I am the luckiest person alive as everything is either black or white, true or false in my life. His world according to him exists as a never ending shades of grey. People tend to think that the physical sciences environment is extremely difficult to understand, abstract and somewhat atheistic. It is all very far removed from the truth. I want to say that all truth is God's truth. It is not possible for anything to be true which is not from God. The opposite is also true. In other words, all truth is from God and all lies, half truths and distorted truths are from Satan. It doesn't matter where we find the truth, as long as it is the truth, and nothing but the truth, it is from God.
