
Long Shortcuts - Matthew 7:13

Adam and Eve were the first to take a "long shortcut." This 1-minute devotion explains how we can fall into the same trap. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

"A shortcut is often the longest distance between two points.” ~Anonymous

This is especially true when talking about the broad highway to destruction or the narrow road to Jesus. (Matthew 7:13-14).

Adam and Eve were the first to take a "long shortcut." This 1-minute devotion explains how we can fall into the same trap. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
I thought of this when reading the hundreds of rules listed in the book of Exodus.

Adam and Eve had one rule...just one…don’t eat the fruit of one tree. 

But Satan told them about a shortcut: they could break that one rule and be like God (Genesis 3).

That shortcut damaged their souls, making them less like God, and it set into place a redemption plan which included, among other things, hundreds of Old Testament rules.

Whenever we take a shortcut from God's path, we're actually choosing the longest distance between two points.

Let's remind ourselves of this truth, stick to the narrow road, and arrive at the right destination.

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