
Rejoice! The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength!

Why the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength - Nehemiah 8:1-11
The Jewish people returned to Jerusalem after 70 years of Persian exile. When Ezra read the law to them (Nehemiah 8:1-11), it was the first time many had heard it. 

Realizing they fell short of God’s desires, they begin to weep. And Nehemiah said: “Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!” 

We often hear the phrase “the joy of the Lord is your strength!” 

But knowing the background brings even more joy. 

Can you imagine hearing God-breathed truth for the first time? 

I can. That’s what happened when I gave my life to Christ. 

I’d heard many of these Bible truths before, but they came to life when I followed Christ.
They brought tears of sorrow, knowing I fell short (Romans 3:23), and tears of joy, knowing I was forgiven and now had God’s Spirit to change and restore my heart (Romans 10:10; Philippians 2:13). 

Do you remember? 

Take a moment today to thank God for the Joy you experience in Him. The joy of the Lord is your strength!


Check out Bible Love Note's archive of 1-minute devotions on Joy and Laughter and bookmark it so you can read several whenever you need a boost of joy in the Lord. And check out today's Bite Size Bible Study for a short, joyful study on this devotion!
Why the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength - Nehemiah 8:1-11

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