
God Placed You in My Life

Have you taken time to think of ways God has designed your life for His purposes. This 1-minute devotion will help you do that. #BibleLoveNotes #Birthdays #Bible

Celebrating birthdays is a way of saying, "I'm glad you were born. I'm glad God chose to make you part of my life.”

No matter the circumstances of our birth, God knew us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139). He planned our time in history, our family, and nationality (Acts 17:24-28). He gave us individual purposes (Ephesians 2:10).

Celebrating birthdays affirms God's choices.

When I celebrate my 66th birthday this year (7-18-17), I remember the Lord’s love, patience, and discipline. I'm grateful for all the good things I've experienced and I'm also grateful for all the hardships (Hebrews 12:7-11). All of these have helped me grow (Romans 8:28).

In July 2011, I started Bible Love Notes because I was struggling through a great sorrow in my life. I knew I wouldn’t survive without daily immersion in God’s Word. And God has used Bible Love Notes to keep me focused on His enduring love and presence in my life.

I need His Word to daily guide me, and I will never age out of that need!

If you are reading Bible Love Notes, God had purposes in having our lives intersect, and I'm grateful that God placed you in my life.

Why not take a moment today to thank God for your life experiences, for your physical birthday, your spiritual re-birthday, and all those people and experiences He has used to fulfill His purposes in your life.
To read about a woman whose difficult childhood prepared her for her mission work: Against the Odds, Mary Slessor of Africa
Why not add some more of God's Word to your schedule by having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your email each weekday. Sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.

Have you taken time to think of ways God has designed your life for His purposes. This 1-minute devotion will help you do that. #BibleLoveNotes #Birthdays #Bible

ways God has designed your life for His purposes. This 1-minute devotion will help you do that. #BibleLoveNotes #Birthdays #Bible


  1. I love Bible Love Notes! I am your age and your topics resonate with me so much. I wrote you once and told you I wish you would put them in book form, but since you haven't, I print them out and keep them in a folder to reflect on. Thanks!!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Please keep praying about the book idea. I am hoping to do that!

  2. ...happy happy birthday precious sister!...we love you...but Jesus loves you more...blessings...laney

  3. enjoy this so much. its one of my daily devos and I share comments with my class on Wed night- Thanks for being there for me

    1. That blesses me to hear, Lugenia.
      Thanks for your encouragement.

  4. Happy Birthday and I thank God for placing you in my life.

    1. Thank you, Linda, and the feeling is mutual.
      God bless you!

  5. Happy Birthday to you, Gail, and to Bible Love Notes! What a blessing you are in my life! Your words always inspire and challenge me--and I know they are directly from the heart of God. Thank you for your ministry! Many blessings on your birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday to you! I look forward to your daily reminders of God's love for me. I feel like God placed YOU in my life at just the right time and I am grateful.

    1. That blesses my heart to hear. God has created both of us for His purposes and He allows our paths to cross! God bless you.

  7. Congratulations and Happy Birthday! I agree with the lady who said you should put some of these in book form -- even if you self-published it and simply offered it as a book on your blog page. Someday I'd love to hear about the "great sorrow" that drove you to write this blog. (Perhaps you've already written about it and can share the link?) It's true that some of the greatest and most creative ministries arise out of pain. The Lord is so good about redeeming what is shattered. Love to you on this special day. I'm glad we will have eternity to get to know each other better.

    1. Thanks so much, Dawn. My sorrow is written between the lines in many of my devotions. So often I am preaching to myself : )

      Because my sorrow involves others, I'm not sure if I will ever be able to share it fully. But the wonderful thing about God is that which caused me this great sorrow hasn't changed. In fact, it's gotten worse. But God has changed me : )

      Oh, how I love Him....and need Him.
      Bless you, my friend.

  8. Dear Gail, I´m Reading with great joy that this month is your birthday, congratulations!!! And thank God for your life and for this 1 minute bible love notes. Since I found your page in FACEBOOK it has been a pleasure and bless to read every day. It. God is using you with great power and He has used you to touch my life and teachme. God may bless you and I send you a big hug from México City!

    1. Thanks for encouraging me. Love knowing I have a "sister" in Mexico City! :)

  9. Thank you so much for pushing through the hard times and writing everything out. Writing is so good for us. I'm glad you shared!

  10. You have been such a blessing to me the past 6 years. I started blogging 6 years ago in August and it has brought healing to me as well.

  11. Happy birthday to you and Bible Love Notes! I don't think I've ever commented before, but I've been reading every post of yours for years now and it has been SUCH a blessing to me. I've gleaned so much wisdom, knowledge, and encouragement from every post you share. Thank you so much for being a vessel of God and teaching His word. You are a treasure!

    1. Thank you, Christine. I appreciate your encouragement!
      God bless you.

  12. I am blessed to wake up to your posts after thanking God for each new enlightens to my saviors love for me as well as insight to his molding me to show his love & grace to all he puts in my path.

    1. It blesses me to hear this, Rachelle. Thanks for taking time to share it with me. God bless you.

  13. Well, Happy Birthday twice over, Gail! Thank you so much for starting Bible Love Notes, and for the time and thought you put into each devotion. They, and you, are a true blessing. Lucinda

    1. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me!
      Have a blessed week.

  14. Dear Gail,
    Thank you for the inspiring, thought provoking, eye opening devotional every day. You are encouraging many lives across the world. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and give you many more birthdays to be a blessing to many.
    Manju, India

    1. Thank you, Joel. What an encouragement to hear from a reader in India!
      I am the one who feels blessed!

    2. I had shared Bible love note with a friend of mine, Beena. And this is what she replied....
      Gail ministers to all of us after the sorrow she's gone through.
      Truly God gives us joy in place of sorrow.Picks up the broken pieces of our life and makes us whole.
      Our tears used to wipe others.Comforting others with the comfort we receive from our Precious Saviour.

    3. This is so precious to hear. Thank you for sharing it.
      Thank you for the encouragement.

  15. I found 1 Min. Bible Love Notes when I was in the darkest season of my life 18 months ago. I pinned the page so that it would be the first thing that popped up on my timeline when I opened my FB page. Like you, I dove deeply into the Word of God and prayer to maintain my sanity. Your blogs ministered to my heart daily. Although I'm through that season, I still have 1 Min. BLN pinned. It still blesses my life! Thank you for pressing through your pain through the Word of God. And thank you for sharing that with all of us. Your pain was our gain :)

    1. What a blessing it is to read this, Machelle. I'm so grateful the BLN encourages you and thank you for encouraging me!

  16. Well, Myself and obviously many others are VERY GLAD that He put you into our lives as well! God be with you & yours, now and always.
