
Celebrity, Acquaintance, or Confidant?

An encounter with a celebrity led to the thoughts in this 1-minute devotion about our relationship with Jesus. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I attended a Christian women's retreat 20 years ago, and we had an unexpected visitor: Bob Hope popped into our hotel conference room.

Hope, who was devoted to USO work, took time to greet our group because we were military wives.

We were awed by his kindness, and it made me wonder how we’d have responded if Christ had physically stopped by. Would He be like Bob Hope, someone we recognized, someone we knew by reputation, but still a stranger?

We talk about “relationship, not religion,” but what does that truly mean to us?
  • Is Christ an acquaintance or our close confidant?
  • Do we know about Him or do we know Him?
  • Are we doing deliberate things to get to know Him better?
Jeremiah 9:24 says, “let him who boasts boast of this: that he understands and knows me.” 

We were awed that a celebrity had given us 5 minutes, but the King of the Universe wants to know us and He’s always available! Wow!

An encounter with a celebrity led to the thoughts in this 1-minute devotion about our relationship with Jesus. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. excellent reminders for all of us to think about! thank you for sharing this, Gail.

  2. These reminders let us know he is with us always..His Love😊❤
