
3 Types of Death

Scripture says those who die twice are condemned. Do you know what it means to die 3 times? This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy

Those who die twice are condemned.

Those who die thrice are saved.

You see, there are three ways a man can be dead:

1. Dead in sin – we’re born in this condition (Ephesians 2:1-2).

2. Dead in body – we’re destined for this condition (Hebrews 9:27).(1)

3. Dead
to sin – we’re saved into this condition. Christians are all in the process of killing our old man and giving life to our new man (Romans 6:1-14).

When we stand before the final judgment seat, only those who died with Christ will be raised with Him (Romans 6:8).

Furthermore, the more thoroughly we experience Christ’s death on this earth, the more thoroughly we’ll experience His life on this earth...and greater will be our heavenly rewards.(2)

In truth, all genuine believers are “learning to die” (Luke 9:23-24).

Let’s eagerly pursue death to the old self by forgiving more completely, loving more sacrificially, walking more humbly, obeying more devotedly, studying God’s Word more deliberately, and fulfilling God’s purposes more faithfully (Ephesians 4:22-24).

Death in Christ brings life! (Philippians 3:10)
(1) Unless we’re alive for Christ’s second coming.
(2) See “A Trophy For Everyone?

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Scripture says those who die twice are condemned. Do you know what it means to die 3 times? This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy

Bible Love Notes


  1. Good point! Also liked your Footnote #2 article.

  2. So, so, profound, it's like reading the bible for the first time, the very scriptures for the end times refreshing indeed.

  3. Sharing ini sangat amat menolong orang orang yang percaya Tuhan Yesus sehingga bisa jadi garam dan terang dunia selama hidup diatas muka bumi ini
