
God Tells Us to Pray for these People Daily

She'd lived under Communism most of her life, and her story reminds us of an important responsibility. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I asked a Bulgarian woman who'd grown up under Communism, “What was the worst aspect of Communism?” 

She looked surprised that I didn't know and said, “We were like sheep to the slaughter. We'd never heard the Gospel."

My eyes welled with tears at her word picture of countless lambs herded to their deaths. 

I’ve never lived without a Gospel witness. I have always been free to worship, free to read the Bible, to hear Christian radio and TV, to read Christian books and magazines, to speak openly about the Lord.  

I have a responsibility to pray for those who haven't heard the Gospel and for those Christians suffering persecution:
“Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Hebrews 13:3

Today let’s take time to pray for those who haven't heard God's Word and those who are suffering for it.
For specific prayer info on the persecuted church, see Open Doors Prayer News.
Wonderful Christian Devotional!!

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She'd lived under Communism most of her life, and her story reminds us of an important responsibility. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

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