
You Intended to Harm Me

Before Romans 8:28 was written, an Old Testament Bible character lived it out for us. Be encouraged by this 1-minute devotion! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Joseph is one of my heroes. 

I love what he said to his brothers who'd sold him into slavery, depriving him of home and family for many lonely years. 

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20

Joseph had 50/20 vision. 

He knew God was bigger than his brothers' cruel jealousy.

I have trouble seeing 50/20

Before Romans 8:28 was written, an Old Testament Bible character lived it out for us. Be encouraged by this 1-minute devotion! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
I still have to squint a bit, but I'm getting better.

It's especially helpful to look back and see what God has done. 

One of my faith-builders is Bible Love Notes.

It was out of deep sorrow and injustice that BLN was born. I was at the lowest point in my life, broken and refusing God's comfort.

That's when I began writing 1-minute devotions so I could focus on God's truths.

And I can now see how God used something sad and terrible for my good.

Give us 50/20 vision, Lord!


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  1. God used this blog for your good and for the good of so many of us, your readers! Thank you for pushing through your faith challenge that we might benefit.

    1. Thank you, Pam. I am continually blessed by my readers! (Like you!)

  2. Beautiful testimony of God's goodness!! Thank you so much for sharing and for blessing others with Bible Love Notes !!

    1. Thank you, Lee. I pray that what I write will bless others.

  3. Thank youi always, may God continue His good work in and through you

    1. Thank you so much. I pray that pray with you! I want Bible Love Notes to please the Lord.

  4. I love this kind of social media, where we share and care about each other, through his word and transparent honesty. We are desperate everyday for more of His love to help us cope with a mad world. He gives us beauty for ashes.

  5. Yes Gail! Joseph is my favorite! The line you pointed out brought tears to my eyes when I saw the movie. I loved how he endured much, resisted temptation and served God. I loved how it was projected that he wrote and when his writings were burned he started over. I have done this many times myself.Anyway, I love his story.

  6. I absolutely needed this reminder today. Thank you.

  7. What a beautiful message. Thank you

  8. Love this! I have been meditating on verse Genesis 50:20 for a few months. Thank you for this testimony and for sharing.
