
When Being "Unintentional" is a Sin

Before you say that you did something "unintentionally" consider that you may have an underlying problems defined in Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Often doing something unintentionally is simply selfishness... 

Have you ever excused yourself by saying something you did was "unintentional"

I have. 

On rare occasions, this excuse is appropriate, but it's often just an excuse for thoughtlessness. 

Let me explain: we all know people who do all the talking and never listen...who ask for our help but never have time when we need help. 

They live unintentionally because selfishness requires no forethought. 

When we're focused on ourselves, we unintentionally miss the obvious needs and desires of others around us.

As we read the verses below written by a mistreated prisoner (inspired by God's Spirit), let's pray that God will make us more intentional!

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. But in humility consider others better than yourselves." Philippians 2:3

Intentional people give us reason to REJOICE, so let's ask God to make us one!

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Before you say that you did something "unintentionally" consider that you may have an underlying problems defined in Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

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