
You Are God's Coin

Did you know that you are God's coin? It's not obvious. You need to look deeper into the meaning of this passage. #bibleLoveNotes #bible

Did you know that you are God's "coin"?

Let me explain:
Some Pharisees asked Jesus if He believed in paying taxes.

Christ answered with a question (he did that often). He asked whose image was on the Roman coins.

“Caesar’s,” they replied. 

Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22:15-22)

The Pharisees didn't understand Christ's full message:

If Caesar deserves everything that bears Caesar's image, God deserves everything that bears God's image.

All of creation reveals things about God's divine nature (Romans 1:20), but one part of creation uniquely bears His image - you and me! (Genesis 1:26-27)

The cattle on a thousand hills belong to Christ (Psalm 50:10), but Christ came to earth for one thing in particular - human souls bearing His image. 

That's why He commands us to give ourselves fully to Him (Romans 12:1-2).

You and I are God's coins. Let's give to God what is God's.
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Did you know that you are God's coin? It's not obvious. You need to look deeper into the meaning of this passage.


Did you know that you are God's coin? It's not obvious. You need to look deeper into the meaning of this passage. #bibleLoveNotes #bible


  1. Now, that is a very interesting way of looking at it, love it!

  2. I've never thought about it that way! Great thoughts! I love your perspective on this topic!

  3. Wow, well said. I love how you explained that. I understand that part now better. Thank you so much :)
