
Planks and Holes

When my husband developed a hole in his eye, God taught us some important spiritual truths.

Several years ago, my husband noticed distorted vision in one eye. 

A few weeks later, a surgeon inserted a gas bubble into the back of his eye where it pressed against a macular hole, causing it to grow back together. 

The challenge: my husband had to remain face down for a full week!

If my husband's only view of things came from that damaged eye, parts of the true picture would appear blurry or distorted.

God gives us a similar "picture" of spiritual vision when he talks about people who have planks in their eyes (Matthew 7:1-5). 

Planks of bitterness, arrogance, or selfishness make truth appear blurry or distorted. 

The answer: "face-down" humility and prayer.

I'm grateful physicians could restore my husband's physical vision* and I'm grateful the Great Physician can restore our spiritual vision.

Is bitterness, arrogance, or selfishness distorting your view of life?
Humble yourself and tell God you need eye surgery.
You can also watch a video of this devotion HERE.
* I know God is the source of the physical healing as well

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When my husband developed a hole in his eye, God taught us some important spiritual truths.


  1. Bless you for finding a spiritual application in this! I hope he can read or you have stock-piled good music...or will you read to him? Suddenly I have a new appreciation for my unglamorous, ever-growing to-do list!

    1. This is our second day and so far he is not able to read, but we've checked out lots of audio books and I plan to read to him as well (something we sometimes do anyway). But it is terribly boring for him. Yes, it makes you appreciate "normal" life. But I am so grateful that there is a way to repair this hole. Years ago, he would have lost most of his vision in that eye.

      Have a blessed "normal" day, Janet. :)
