
The Scarlet Cord

The Scarlet Cord in Rahab's window has a meaning that is pertinent for every believer. This will inspire you! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Rahab

God knew there was a spark of faith in Rahab’s heart, so He sent two spies to rescue her before Jericho was destroyed. 

They told Rahab to identify her house for rescue with a scarlet cord hung in the window--the same window where she proved her faith by lowering the spies to safety.

The color of the cord was significant. During the Passover, a smear of scarlet blood saved each Israelite household from death (Exodus 12).

The scarlet cord in Rahab’s window was her personal Passover. Although Isaiah 1:18 was written later, its words are fitting: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow.”

We who are Christians have a 'scarlet cord' too--it's hung in the window of our souls signifying the saving blood of Christ! 

Will you join me today in thanking God for our personal rescue--our personal Passover. So Awesome!
(Rahab's story is in Joshua 2 & 6.)
The Scarlet Cord in Rahab's window has a meaning that is pertinent for every believer. This will inspire you!


The Scarlet Cord in Rahab's window has a meaning that is pertinent for every believer. This will inspire you! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Rahab


  1. As always, I loved it. I hope you don't mind I'm sharing on my church's Facebook page. If there's a problem, just tell me.

    1. I love having Bible Love Notes shared. It's easy to do with the button below each devotion and I also share each day's devotion on the Bible Love Note's Facebook page so you can simply share from that page, if it's easier.
      Thank you for the encouragement.

    2. You're so kind! Thank you for sharing and teaching us from the Lord. We usually read these devotionals with the kids. (well, 20, 17 and 14 are not kids anymore). They are simple to understand and interesting at the same time. Keep going! We love it! Blessings on you. In time: how is your husband going?

    3. It's a blessing to hear that your teens can understand the devotions. My 13 year old granddaughter is one of my subscribers too :)

      My husband was given the okay to have his head up and that is a great blessing to his poor neck! But we won't know the actual success of the surgery until the gas bubble in his eye dissipates which will take another month. Thanks for asking.

  2. Do you have an Instagram feed? Or just FB?

    1. Hi Deborah,
      Yes, I have an instagram feed. My granddaughter actually handles it.
      It's here:
      I also have Pinterest:
      And Twitter:

      God bless you,

  3. I cannot express how much God, I thank you for rescuing me!
