
4 Ways to Stimulate Wholesome Thinking

Do you know the stated purpose of 1 & 2 Peter? This 1-minute devotion explains 4 steps to fulfilling this purpose.

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Peter said he'd written 1 and 2 Peter: "to stimulate [us] to wholesome thinking." 2 Peter 3:1-2

It's absolutely essential that we think wholesomely. This doesn't mean we pretend bad things don't exist.

It means:
1. We focus on good things so we maintain a grateful perspective. Philippians 4:8

2. We don't entertain ourselves with sin and wicked themes - Ephesians 5:8-13. This is important to remember in a culture where TV and movies and even music so often promote immoral themes in tantalizing ways.

3. We remember the message of the Old Testament - the story of mankind's failures and God's loving provision. 2 Peter 3:2; 1 Corinthians 10:1-17

4. We remember the message of the New Testament and the commands it contains to help us live for Christ. 2 Peter 3:2; Titus 2:11-14

What are you doing today to stimulate wholesome thinking?
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Do you know the stated purpose of 1 & 2 Peter? This 1-minute devotion explains 4 steps to fulfilling this purpose.