
The Effects of Culture

Beware: Culture is influencing you whether you realize it or not. This 1-minute devotion gives a powerful warning from Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

When I watch a 1980's movie, I can't believe I once wore those huge shoulder pads, over-sized blazers, and bulging pleated pants.

Our culture is a powerful force influencing what we wear and what we think.

If you think you never let culture dictate your values, you're fooling yourself.

There have been times in the history of various nations when biblical values were widely accepted by the culture. We are not living in one of those times.

When Christians think we can act, think and look like the world and still follow Christ, we put ourselves in a dangerous position: 

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:15-17

Let's make sure we are transforming our minds, not conforming them to culture (Romans 12:2). It's an absolute necessity if we want to understand God's will.
I encourage you to check out the 1-minute devotion 3 Ways to Protect Yourself from False Philosophies.

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Beware: Culture is influencing you whether you realize it or not. This 1-minute devotion gives a powerful warning from Scripture.


Beware: Culture is influencing you whether you realize it or not. This 1-minute devotion gives a powerful warning from Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail,

    I think the world, our culture is rapidly changing. I am 61 an cannot believe how fast our culture here in the US has changed since I was in my 20-30's. I have been a Christian a long time and it's hard to believe even we Christian's are succumbing to the ways of this world! My question here of late is....Christian's and tattoo's - I am not getting it??? I see so many Christian women with "Christian" tattoo' me it is just what you are describing here. Our culture is dictating this trend and Christian's in droves are following this trend. I have such a hard time with tattoo's...they are permanent on a lovely girls skin...they don't come off! (at least not very well) I just have a really hard time accepting this (in my opinion) terrible trend. You hardly see anyone without them now; accept for us older conservatives. What are your thoughts on this as Christians? I see it as; (artistic as it may be) graffiti on our person. I cannot understand how Christian's, to me deface the beauty of the their natural God designed skin for a (living in the moment) decision to get something permanent that will still be there 10, 20, 30+ years from now. My career has been in the fashion world of which you spoke of...fashions change, a blouse I wore with big pink flowers on it 10 years ago is long gone....the permanency of these works of art disturb me. A decision to have a bee on your wrist for the rest of your life or cherries on both ankles forever is just unfathomable to me. Would love to hear what you have to say if I missed one of your posts about this topic. Thanks, Therese

    1. Hi Therese,
      I don't have a post on tattoos, but I would love if we could get a discussion going here in the comment section. It would be great to hear from other believers. Thanks so much for your input and your question. Hopefully, it will generate some conversation and cause us to ponder this and other aspects of our culture.
