
5 Steps to Christian Maturity

Philippians 3 offers 5 Important steps to maturity in Christ. Check them out and see what you think.

How do we grow in the Lord and become the kind of Christian we'd like to become?

Philippians 3:7-17 gives us good answers:

1. Define "Rubbish" in our lives (3:7-11)
We have to see worldly values for what they are and desire eternal treasures more than earthly ones.

2. Be Realistic and Humble (3:12-13)
We all have sins we need to overcome, and the first step in overcoming them is admitting we need to change.

3. Leave the Past in the Past (3:13)
We need to leave behind the values from our past and we need to accept Christ's forgiveness for our past sins so we can move forward.

4. Press On (3:14)
We need to be motivated, serious, and deliberate about our relationship with the Lord. 

5. Follow Godly Examples (3:17)
One purpose of Christian community is accountability and example. We aren't meant to walk alone.

"I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [so] I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." (Philippians 3:8,12)
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Philippians 3 offers 5 Important steps to maturity in Christ. Check them out and see what you think.

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