
Discernment or Slander?

Slander or Discernment? Avoiding Sloppy Research and Gossip about Christian Teachers

With an air of superiority, he proclaimed, "I wouldn't read that person's books because I have discernment!"

The person he referenced was solidly biblical, but several sensationalist websites had slandered him by taking things he said out of context (Proverbs 16:28).

It reminded me of times I've confused discernment with sloppy research. Decades ago as a new Christian, I avoided C.S. Lewis because of warnings against his teachings!*

Instead of doing my homework on Lewis, I listened to a teacher who scrutinized minor, insignificant quotes from Lewis while ignoring his consistently biblical teaching

I'm not saying that we shouldn't judge teachers who are not teaching Bible truths (Ephesians 5:11). But we can do that by examining their overall teaching and the way they live. We don't need to scrutinize and extrapolate minor details which don't accurately represent them.

Yes, I've arrogantly thought I possessed discernment at times, but I was simply trusting others to do my research and my thinking for me (Proverbs 11:9).

Let's not make this mistake, dear Christians, because it's slander!
* No one is 100% accurate. We should judge error wherever it is found, both from biblical and false teachers (Acts 17:11). But minor errors do not make someone a false teacher. ~ I don't agree with every detail of Lewis' teaching, but overall, his books accurately and stunningly present God, faith and the Bible. 

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Slander or Discernment? Avoiding Sloppy Research and Gossip about Christian Teachers
Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail, your Bible Love Notes are the most accurate interpretation of scripture that I have found. Thank you for your dedicated research and integrity, and for faithfully posting what God lays on your heart.

    1. Thank you, Pam. I consider that a real compliment coming from you. I try very hard to present things accurately. That's my desire.
      God bless you,
