
100 Years Ago and Tomorrow

As we say goodbye to 2015, let's look back 100 years to a few headlines of 1915:
  • US House of Representatives rejects proposal to give women the right to vote.
  •  Transcontinental telephone service is inaugurated (NY to SF).
  •  Babe Ruth makes his pitching debut and his first home run with the Red Sox.
  • The world is one year into World War I which will eventually claim 16 million lives.
  •  Pluto is photographed for the first time but not yet classified as a planet.
  • The first military tank is built in Great Britain. (My husband told me about this 1915 highlight since he's a retired Army tanker.)
When we review history, we have lots to learn, lots to regret, and lots to remember with joy. This is true whether it's personal history or world history.

Today let's remember Paul's words in Philippians 3:10-14 and press on to make 2016 our most Christ-centered year!

Sources: Info Please   On This Day   Wiki Science -1915


  1. Thanks for all your posts this year.

    1. And thank you for being such a faithful reader!
      May God give you a wonderful 2016, filled with His presence and purposes!

  2. Amen! I'll join you for such a year. Please keep posting, I love your thoughts!

    1. Thank you, Marja, for your encouragement. May God bless your new year with peace and joy and fruitful ministry!
