
The "Promise of the Palm Tree" in Psalm 92

Psalm 92 gives us an incredible promise. This 1-minute devotion shares a true story of some 2000-year-old Palm seeds and a true story of faithfulness.

written in 2015...

50 years ago, archaeologists discovered a 2000-year-old jar containing palm seeds. They planted one of the seeds in 2005, and it grew a healthy palm, which produced dates (Smithsonian).

Pretty incredible.

Recently, the Lord led my husband and me (both in our 60's) to leave our present home near children and grandchildren and work with a ministry in another state.

After 20+ moves during our 45 years of marriage, we thought we'd moved our last, but God had different ideas.

And He gave us the most beautiful promise one morning when we were reading Psalm 92:

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree ... planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.” Psalm 92:12-15 

I'm praying that God will make us fruitful palms as long as we live so we can proclaim His truth in all that we do. It's also my heart's desire that we will leave "seeds" of faith that produce fruit long after our earthly lives are over.

Would you like to pray this same prayer for yourself?

Psalm 92 gives us an incredible promise. This 1-minute devotion shares a true story of some 2000-year-old Palm seeds and a true story of faithfulness.

Psalm 92 gives us an incredible promise. This 1-minute devotion shares a true story of some 2000-year-old Palm seeds and a true story of faithfulness.


  1. I REALLY needed to read this one, dear friend. :) Thank you for the encouragement! Sometimes the enemy can make us feel so washed up and like our days of being effective in God's Kingdom are over for good...especially as our health deteriorates as we get older. My little family and I are in a place of crisis/decision right now, and it is SO hard sometimes to really know the mind of God. Would appreciate your prayers as we come to just really encouraged me to see that you all did this and were successful in your move. You are a blessing to me! God bless you, in return. :)

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      It's always an encouragement to know that something I write blesses someone. I will write your request in my journal today. May God give you creative and purposeful work at this (and every) stage of your lives!
      God bless you,

  2. Oh how awesome. It'll be exciting to see how He continues to lead you through the years via your blog :)

    Kaye Swain

  3. Twenty plus moves? Wow. Powerful wisdom here. Thank you so much for sharing in the GRAND Social.

  4. Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing! Love you! :)

  5. Omg yes I need this.I pray i stay healthy i don't want to have a diagnosis of Alzheimer's as my Daughter needs me I help her with her babies.please head is keep me and my husband healthy.

  6. Lovely Gail. Aside from this post's spiritual encouragement, from a practical earthly viewpoint, at least with 20+ moves, you wouldn't be carrying any excess 'junk' + wouldn't need the occasional cleanouts that many of us need to do after living in the 1 house for many yrs. :)

    1. It really does help, Bev. There's an old saying I first heard when we were in the military: "3 Moves is as good as 1 Fire"! Moving does help you get rid of things but it still requires occasional cleanouts. :)
