
Organized Chaos

Chaos and Disorder cause problems and affect our well-being. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to use our time and resources wisely. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
Written in 2015 
We're moving next month so you can imagine I'm busy.(1)

Having moved 23 times in my married life, I enjoy the challenge but hate the mess.

Several days ago, EVERY room in my house was in packing-box confusion. So I stopped packing for several hours and organized the chaos. When I did, my mood immediately changed. 

Research shows that clutter causes stress and lowers productivity.(2)

When we allow our homes, relationships, finances, spiritual disciplines, or work to get unnecessarily messy or disorganized, we aren't doing ourselves any favors. 

Disorganization is also poor stewardship, causing loss and damage.

Although the following verse was written about worship, it reveals a characteristic of God, in Whose image we're made. It explains our need for peace and order:
"God is not a God of disorder but of peace." 1 Corinthians 14:33

We can't control all areas of disorder in our lives. Sometimes life's transitions such as moving cause necessary chaos. And sometimes God interrupts our days for His purposes.

But when we do our work for the Lord, we prioritize important things and deny selfish or lazy attitudes (Colossians 3:23).

Take time today to identify areas where your life is cluttered, disorganized, or chaotic, and pray for God's help in doing something about it. 
I just created a new archive of 1-Minute Bible Love Notes on "Time, Organization and Stewardship." Check it out HERE.

(1) We thought we had made our last move when we moved near our daughter in NC, but God had a different idea. We've felt led to move to Florida in September 2015 in order to volunteer with ITEC
(2) I wrote a devotion about this research: Clutter Tolerance.

Chaos and Disorder cause problems and affect our well-being. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to use our time and resources wisely. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. I have noticed that the more I move, the less stuff I keep :)

  2. Having moved 13 times so far in our marriage I know the stress of chaos and the relief of organization. Blessings on your move, Gail!

  3. I so agree Gail! Great reminder :)
