
Fault-Finding, Fear-Finding Missions

This Old Testament scouting party turned a fact-finding mission into a fear-finding mission. This 1-minute devotion shares what we can learn from their mistakes. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Moses did as the Lord commanded and sent out 12 leaders to explore the Promised Land (Numbers 13). 

He asked the leaders to report on the strength of the people, the quality of the land, soil, crops and trees. And he asked them to find out how well the towns were protected.

This was a fact-finding mission, not a fault-finding or fear-finding mission.

They called it the "Promised Land" because God had promised to give it to His people. It was a foreshadowing of our Heavenly Home.

But the faithless, fearful majority ruled. They exaggerated their fears claiming "We are like Grasshoppers!"(1)

Crying and complaining ensued, and they never entered the land.

It's easy to complain with the majority, but It always costs us blessings.

Is there an area of your life where you've let fear and fault-finding keep you from God's promises? Begin trusting the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6).
(1) See Grasshopper Faith

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This Old Testament scouting party turned a fact-finding mission into a fear-finding mission. This 1-minute devotion shares what we can learn from their mistakes. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. thank s and God bless... very helpful.

  2. This is very thought provoking being that many of us claim that God is the head of our lives but our busy schedules manage to always put him last. What a great way to get into practice of really putting first things first.
