
Hard Teachings of Scripture

During Christ's lifetime, people called some of his teachings "Hard." Many today are doing the same. This 1-minute devotion asks an important question. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
Many believe God's commands against premarital sex and homosexuality are "hard" teachings. 

They disagree with Bible passages that define homosexuality as "unnatural" and sinful (Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-13). They disagree that sexual intimacy should be confined to marriage (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 6:9-13).

When people think God's teachings are "hard," it's because they don't understand the wisdom, goodness, love, and purpose of God (Psalm 33:4).

In John 6:25-70, Christ talked symbolically about His death, and many of His followers said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" 

They didn't trust Christ's love or purposes, so they left Him.

Afterwards, Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, "Do you also wish to leave me?"

Our country has approved sexual immorality and our courts have protected it (Romans 1:16-32).  

And we must make a choice: to be ashamed of God's words (Luke 9:26), or to lovingly defend truth and expose darkness (Ephesians 5:11).

Christ is asking, "Do you also wish to leave me?"

How will you answer?

To read more about Biblical views on premarital sex: Sex and the Single Person
To read a former Lesbian's testimony: Love Letter to  A Lesbian
And for more insights: Why Homosexuality is a Unique Sin in the World Today 
Or check our 1-Minute Bible Love Notes archive of devotions on the Biblical view of Sex

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During Christ's lifetime, people called some of his teachings "Hard." Many today are doing the same. This 1-minute devotion asks an important question.


  1. No Jesus, I will never leave you. These teachings are not hard but easy to follow if we want to follow your words and I do. Amen to my Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. No Jesus's teaching's are not hard.he loved us so mmuch that he died for all.He gives us all our needs not our wants but people are greedy the more they get the more they want.why live a life in debt you can't take anything with you when you die.yes homosexual,abortion,sex outside of marriage is all wrong.covid is here because of sin.God tells us the times will be hard before Jesus returns and It can't be far away
    We are living now like the days of Noah.The world does not even care please think about what I said.imagine burning for don't have to if you will except Christ as your Savior

  3. This is Dewey's wife who commented
