
Set Your Mind or Set Your Alarm

I was struggling with negative thoughts. Then I had this practical idea that totally changed my perspective. Try it! It helps!

I was struggling. 

I had good reasons to be concerned. But I was letting my thoughts rule.

I read Psalm 31:15:
"My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies..." 

I realized that my real enemies were not people or circumstances. My real enemies were negative thoughts, worries and self-pity. I wasn't trusting that God could work all things for my good (Romans 8:28).

I wasn't letting Him comfort me (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

My struggle was so strong, that I set an alarm for every hour during the daytime. The alarms reminded me to take a few minutes each hour to pray, read Scripture, or sing a praise song, taking my thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5).

The more I set my mind on Jesus, the healthier my thoughts.

Are you struggling with a situation? Perhaps you too should set an alarm and focus regularly on God's promises.

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I was struggling with negative thoughts. Then I had this practical idea that totally changed my perspective. Try it! It helps!


  1. Wow - what a great idea Gail! Going to put this into practice. I'm sooo guilty of letting my thoughts run wild.
    His blessing over you my friend!

  2. Wow - what a great idea, Gail! I'm going to put this into practice. I'm sooo guilty of letting my thought run wild!
    His blessings upon you my friend!

  3. Your posts help me everyday. But today your "tip" is special. I certainly will apply it to my days. Thank you for letting God speak through you. Many blessings on you.

  4. Thanks for the reminder!!! Romans 8:28!!!! Perfect! I am struggling to get work, I live alone and I get to that negative place. Thank you for the comfort.

  5. I love your Bible notes and particularly this one. Thank you very much. I am going to set alarms, too, to practice what I need to do. Thank you again, very much, for your hard work in helping each one of us to get to a better place.

  6. Thankyou so much for this. In about the worst situation I've ever been in. I needed this, have very bad thoughts.

  7. Chronic Pain is my cross to bear. Right now isn't a good season for me. On no move days, I learned I can still pray. Your love notes help too, when I can't read much. This one is a new, wonderful help!

    1. I'm so sorry that you are having chronic pain. That is a tough thing to deal with. I'm glad that you can use your "no move days" in prayer. And I'm blessed that Bible Love Notes can help.
      I pray for you as I write this that God will bring you healing and strength.

  8. So thankful for this and so much needed. Great suggestion to set our alarm clocks and spend time with the Lord, our comforter, our healer and our lovibg God. Blessings ☝️

  9. At last got what I needed to bring me nearer to our God.

  10. Thank you, needed this to take my thoughts captive!!! Amen!
