
Do Old Testament Laws Apply to Us Today?

An easy answer to a complex question. This 1-minute devotion helps you determine which laws apply to us. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

What’s with the Old Testament laws? 

Does God still expect us to offer sacrifices or go through special cleansing after our menstrual period? Does eating pork or shrimp displease God? How do we know what applies to us today?

These are good questions.

Some Old Testament laws were specific to the nation of Israel or a specific time in history. Others were fulfilled in Christ. The New Testament clearly ends the requirement for dietary laws (Matthew 15:11; Acts 10:9-16). And Christ's sacrifice ended the requirement for sacrificial laws (Hebrews 9 and Hebrews 10). 

But what about all the other laws?

There are complex theological answers to these questions, but the easiest way to discern what applies to us today is to ask: Is it also commanded in the New Testament? If so, it applies!

The purpose of Christ's New Testament commands is important:
They are meant to protect us, help us find fulfillment, and help us become more like God, the Command-Giver.

For more on this subject:
Did Jesus Really Say We Must Obey Old Testament Laws?
Laws, Commands, Errors
Does God Hate Shrimp?
All or Nothing: Christ's Fulfillment of the Law, explaining the errors of the Hebrew Roots Movement
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An easy answer to a complex question. This 1-minute devotion helps you determine which laws apply to us. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

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