
Expect Hatred

John 15:19 tells us what to expect when we share God's truth in love and grace. It might surprise you.

The majority are seldom interested in Christian values....

In Numbers 13, 83% of the scouts sent into the Promised Land spread discouraging lies among the people. 

When Caleb and Joshua spoke God's truth, the people threatened to stone them to death! (Numbers 14).

Sometimes Christians who speak truth are rejected because they don't speak graciously.* 

But even when we speak the truth in love, there's "salt" in the Truth that irritates people (Colossians 4:6).

If we want to speak and obey the truth:

1. We'll never be in the majority (Matthew 7:13).

2. The majority will reject our words (John 3:19).

3. The majority will reject us (Matthew 10:22).

"The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you." Jesus, John 15:19

Our faith is not about majority opinion, popularity, or acceptance. It's about loving our Lord and standing up for His truth (Luke 9:26).

*See Kindness, Not Sarcasm

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John 15:19 tells us what to expect when we share God's truth in love and grace. It might surprise you.


  1. Another great post and so appropriate in our time. Thanks for the reminder.....Linda E.

  2. So very true and so sad. We must continue a strong walk with Jesus no matter what the world says.

  3. Yes we should stand on God's truth 9,13,2021 chris
