
Why “Religious” Is Not a Bad Word unless It's the Kind Described in 2 Tim. 3:1-5

This 1-minute devotion challenges us to consider 4 ways we might be "religious" in a bad way.

The word 
“religious” can be a bit confusing. It means doing things according to one's beliefs. But it can also mean what is described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 as “having a form of godliness but denying its power.” 

This outward godliness is fake, all talk, empty ritual, just for show.

Cain was the first example. His outward actions didn't flow from a love for God. He didn't want to be good. He simply wanted to look good.” (See Genesis 4:1-16.)

You could say that his “outwardly religious attitude” led to the first murder in history.

In the New Testament, the Pharisees also had an outward form of godliness, flaunting their public prayers and petty rituals while ignoring aspects of genuine faith (Matthew 5:21-30; Matthew 15:7-9; Matthew 23).

Below are some questions we should ask ourselves to make sure that our religion is inward as well as outward:

  • Do we simply talk about the importance of prayer and Bible study, or do we pray and study the Bible?
  • Do we remain silent in order to fit in with culture, or do we stand up for unpopular teachings in God's Word?
  • Do we excuse and justify our sins, or do we honestly and humbly repent?
  • Do we pick which of God's commands to obey, or do we seek to obey them all?

If we genuinely have a relationship with Christ, His love will motivate us to live what we believe and believe what we live.

For more on this subject see What We Can Learn from Gnat-Strainers and I'm a Recovering Pharisee.

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This 1-minute devotion challenges us to consider 4 ways we might be "religious" in a bad way.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Ouch! You are so right.
    I need a relationship with Jesus and not a religion.
