
Feeling Forgotten

Have you ever wrestled with your thoughts? Ever felt forgotten? Psalm 13 offers help. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Trusting God when you feel alone and forgotten...

Like the psalmist in Psalm 13, I went through an especially dark time in my life when I felt God had forgotten me. 

I wrestled with my thoughts day and night and lived with a sorrow that woke me in the dark of night and haunted me all day through.

It took many months before I realized that I could trust God's unfailing love and rejoice in my salvation even though my situation remained the same. 

In fact, I learned I could rejoice if my situation never changed.

One of the purposes of the Psalms is to show us how to honestly cry out in our pain, even when we feel forgotten and helpless. 

The key to finding peace in difficulty is remembering the character of God and basing our faith on His character, not our circumstances. 

Like the troubled psalmist, we can always say: "I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me" (Psalm 13:5-6).

To do a short Bite Size Bible Study on this topic, click HERE.

💙 I love the book of Psalms. It contains so many wonderful truths that can help us deal biblically with life. You might enjoy these Psalms today:
💙 Why Are You so Far Away, Lord, based on Psalm 10, 💙 and The Comfort of Being Still and Knowing He Is God, based on Psalm 46. And I also think you'll be blessed if you check out my devotional book 💙 Wisdom for Life. It's a hardcover book that's cheaper than most paperbacks, and it makes a great gift for blessing someone with God's Word.

Have you ever wrestled with your thoughts? Ever felt forgotten? Psalm 13 offers help. This 1-minute devotion explains.


Have you ever wrestled with your thoughts? Ever felt forgotten? Psalm 13 offers help. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

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