
Be Prepared: How can you take the Bible literally?

Some Christians are going to misunderstand this question, and that's why it's important to address. You might be surprised at the answer.

Scripture says we should “always be prepared” to explain our faith, so let's consider this question: 

“How can you take the Bible literally? For example, it says trees clap their hands in Isaiah 55:12.

Although Christians often say we take the Bible “literally,” it would be more accurate to say we believe the Bible is God's Word and is trustworthy, unchanging, accurate, and true. 

God's Word contains historical narrative, poetry, proverbs, songs, parables, and instructions. And because God speaks in ways we can best understand, He sometimes uses figures of speech. 

It's easy to recognize which phrases are figurative, and we don't take those phrases literally. 

Isaiah didn't believe trees had hands any more than Jesus meant sinners should chop theirs off (Matthew 5:30). 

God divinely inspired these figures of speech to give us the most vivid, interesting, and accurate understanding of His truth. His Word is the incredible true story of creation, mankind's fall, and redemption. We trust every word, but we don't take every word literally. 

P.S. Despite a long-standing rumor, Christians never thought the earth was flat by taking certain verses literally. See Flat Earth Lie.


For more on figurative language, see Forgive or Forget.

If you've purchased Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or re-read Day 5 and answer the question in the “For Further Thought” section. It will offer additional insights and meaning to this devotion.

To see all fourteen questions in this series, check out the Be Prepared Archive.

Some Christians are going to misunderstand this question, and that's why it's important to address. You might be surprised at the answer.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Good morning Gail,
    I wanted to take a moment and say how much I appreciate your 1 minute Bible Study. Like most, I seem to cram too much into my day. One of the first things I do is check my e-mail, and there you are! You give me a verse and a thought I can carry during my day; an uplifting reminder of His love for us. I thank you. Keep on serving Him - you are making a difference in the lives of others.

    1. Dear Etta,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying Bible Love Notes. It's always an encouragement to hear this.
      Thanks for blessing me with your words.
      Gail : )

  2. I love these thoughts that you shared here about figurative speech. Thank you, Gail.

    1. Thank you, Judith. I'm glad they're helpful.
      God bless,
      Gail : )

  3. There was a hurricane last month and I saw trees clapping and dancing 😉
