
Why Do We Care About Suffering and Evil?

Do you know the real reason that we human beings care about evil and suffering? It might surprise you.
Do you know the reason most people care about evil and suffering?

If we were merely products of evolution, why would we care?

Evolutionary theory is based on the strongest surviving and the weak being eliminated. There's no moral foundation in this theory of random, unplanned origins. So why do most people, Christian and non-Christian alike, care about evil and suffering?

This is one more proof that we are created in the image of a holy and perfect God (Genesis 1:27).

Romans 1:18-20 tells us that God's divine nature is present in creation and God has written His laws on every human heart. Therefore, people who follow evil ways are "suppressing the truth" and they are "without excuse." Romans 2:14-15 further confirms this truth.

Mankind is fully responsible for the presence of sin in our world (Genesis 3; Romans 5:12) because every act of evil is a purposeful defiance of God's law written on our hearts.

Isn’t it ironic that despite these truths, we often blame God for evil? 
But here is the greatest irony of all: We blame God for our sins, and He still offers to save us from our sins if we repent and turn to Him (John 3:16-18).

For some more insights into this subject:

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Do you know the real reason that we human beings care about evil and suffering? It might surprise you.

Do you know the real reason that we human beings care about evil and suffering? It might surprise you. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail,
    Thank you so much for your ministry. Your concise teaching blesses me so much!
