
Creating An Appetite For Things of God

Romans 12:2 tells us to lose our appetite for certain things and create an appetite for other things. This 1-minute devotion explains.

I grew up eating white bread and rolls, so when I started baking with whole wheat flour, I didn't like it.

But the more I ate it, the more I enjoyed it. Eventually, I lost my appetite for white flour and preferred whole wheat. 

This illustrates what happens to us spiritually as well. 

Scripture says:
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 

When we start transforming we get rid of the influences in our lives that are devoid of spiritual nutrition. We change our standards for entertainment, relationships, and life goals. 

We quit conforming to the pattern of the world and gain an appetite for God's Word, Christian books, Christian teaching, and Christian fellowship.

Eventually, because we've tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8), we lose our appetite for things of the world and long for the things of God (Psalm 42:1). 

What appetites are you feeding?


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Romans 12:2 tells us to lose our appetite for certain things and create an appetite for other things. This 1-minute devotion explains.


  1. I have been yearning more and more for God. You have put into words my feelings.
    I guess I'm HUNGRY!

    1. You are in the good company of the Psalmist, Christine : )
      (Psalm 42:1)
      : )

  2. In many of my prayers for the last couple of years I have asked God to infuse me with his spirit and his love for others. It's been a slow process (like your white to wheat analogy), but it is finally becoming deeply embedded in my heart. For example, whenever I see sin, I am overcome with compassion instead of judgement. Before this, I would be so quick to judge. God is so very generous whenever we ask for the right things.

    1. I know what you mean, Gail.
      And I can slip back into old "appetites" if I'm not diligent.
      God bless you
      : )
