
Alone in a Foreign Land, Lillian Found Herself Caring for an Orphaned Baby Girl

Lillian Trasher was a young woman alone in Egypt and God used her powerfully.

Lillian had been asked to visit a young mother who was close to death. When she got there, the mother handed Lillian her small baby daughter and whispered, "Please take her." Moments later the mother was dead.

Twenty-three-year-old Lillian Trasher had only been in Egypt three months when she became the guardian of baby Fareida. Because Fareida was sickly, her extended family had planned to drown her if Lillian hadn't agreed to take her.

Sadly, Lillian's mission group refused to have a baby in their mission house. So, with no other options available, Lillian became a single mother alone in a foreign land. 

She soon discovered, however, that as she daily cared for baby Fareida, Jesus daily cared for her. 

Lillian Trasher was a young woman alone in Egypt and God used her powerfully.
Living on faith alone, Lillian eventually became known as "the Nile Mother," caring for 10,000 orphans, widows, homeless, and blind Egyptians during her fifty-year ministry. 

When asked her secret, Lillian replied, "There isn't any secret. I just stayed! I did not quit. I stayed with the work God gave me." 

Whatever God asks us to do, whether in our family, our job, our community, or our world, let's stay with it.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

Source: Lillian Trasher, the Greatest Wonder in Egypt, Janet and Geoff Benge, YWAM publishing. While I recommend this book in the series, I do not recommend the book in the series called "Lottie Moon, Giving Her All for China." Lottie Moon's family had a large plantation and they were slave owners, but the book presents them as victims of the Civil War. I wrote YWAM about my concerns, and they made it clear that they were comfortable with the book.

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Lillian Trasher was a young woman alone in Egypt and God used her powerfully.


Bible Love Notes


  1. Amazing story with such a powerful message, Gail. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you Gail. I didn't know about her. What an inspiration! Blessings!!

  3. Powerful message! In such simplicity, to care for the helpless in need of hope and entrust her own life to the Great Shepherd.

  4. Very courageous and caring lady. World needs more people like her

  5. Such an inspiration. Reminder that for those who love God, all things work together for good.

  6. When God predestined us to do great things He will also equip and empower us this is how big our God we serve:) this is so inspirational story for all women
