
When Bad Things Happen, Are You Accepting God's Comfort?

When we face injustice or suffering, we need to remember these principles and promises.

Whenever we consider injustice, suffering, and evil, we need to remember this biblical principle: How we respond to evil and suffering matters, even when we can't make sense of it (Proverbs 3:5). 

God doesn’t promise to make every husband faithful, every businessman honest, and every court decision fair. 

♥ He promises He'll never leave us (Hebrews 13:5,6).
♥ He promises to comfort us (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).
♥ He promises to make bad things work for our good if we trust Him (Romans 8:28).  

One day God will answer our questions (1 Corinthians 13:12) and wipe away our tears (Revelation 21:4). But during this lifetime, we can use life's difficulties to build our trust in the Lord, receive His comfort, and pass His comfort on to others. 

"Just as we have a share in Christ's many sufferings, so also through Christ we share in God's great help." 2 Corinthians 1:3-7(GNT)

To read about two of my personal friends who are also two of my heroes in the faith, see When Hardship Is a Privilege and A Saint's Life 

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When we face injustice or suffering, we need to remember these principles and promises.


When we face injustice or suffering, we need to remember these principles and promises. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Bible Love Notes 


  1. Love these promises. I so needed this today. Have felt very overwhelmed with life. :)

    1. So glad they encouraged you, Michelle.
      Have a blessed and peaceful day in Jesus.
      Gail : )

  2. Hi! I've been reading your posts daily, and have a question. Every one of your "pain and suffering" days has centered around one person being unfair to another, e.g. husbands, count decision, or criminals. What I want to know is: What about when nature is unfair? What about all of the people that die of diseases like cancer? I can understand that the actions of men are not always governed by God because of our free will, but the laws of nature surely are God's. Do you have anything to say about that?

    1. Hi Marie,
      You ask a good question. Even though there are indirect answers in this week's devotions (especially in tomorrow's devotion "Need to Know Only") I didn't specifically address natural disasters or disease. Because of your comment, I will write Monday's devotion specifically on that subject. And, I also have some 1-minute devotions in the archives that address aspects of your question. If you click "Subject Archive" on the header, it will take you to a list of subjects. Click the icon for "Hard Questions About God" and it will take you to a collection of posts. The following titles will speak to some aspects of your question: Are Random Deaths God's Punishment? ~ No Satisfactory Answer to Suffering ~ Why is There Senseless Suffering? ~ Things Mysterious ~ Tsunamis

    2. Thank you for your reply, and I will certainly be checking those out!

  3. Today is my first day reading your 1 minute Bible love notes and I want to say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! It has already spoken to my heart. I've been divorced for approximately 10yrs.He is a born again Christian and I was a so called born again Christian and during our marriage I didn't like his very strong beliefs and Biblical principles and also the punishments for our daughters from the Bible. So I finally divorced him after being married for just over 10 years. (Which now I totally regret because I realized after we divorced that I still do love him very much but he wouldn't take me back so my heart has been broken ever since but that's all my fault because I divorced him! ) I'm now in a toxic relationship for just over 4yrs. He is an alcoholic and smokes. I stopped drinking about 6 months ago and my mind & heart feels so great about that. But I still do smoke cigarettes I've been smoking for about 30yrs and I need and want to quit for health problems.And also because I now that doesn't make God happy. But I'm having a very hard time stopping,plus he still smokes so that isn't helping me at all. I also want to leave this relationship but I have no other place to go. I'm disabled so I don't work,I need to depend on him for everything I need. (He does treat me very very well he is a great guy that way). I FINALLY asked God to come back into my heart and life a month ago from being away from Him for about 15yrs.And my life feels so different now for the better!!! :) Anyways I just want to say THANK YOU for today's verse and Accepting Comfort - 3 promises guaranteed to comfort!!! It is really speaking to my heart. (I'm sorry for the book I wrote ) Many Blessings Always

    1. Dear Sandra,
      What a blessing to read your comment!
      I am sorry for the hard parts of your story, but I'm so blessed to hear that you've come to the Lord. He is in the business of healing our broken hearts and giving us wisdom for handling our difficulties. May His Word continue to change your heart and give you peace, joy, and purpose in your life.

      Thanks for sharing your story.
      God bless you.
