
There's No Such Thing As Good Sins

Sin damages our souls and our relationship with the Lord. We must not have a casual attitude toward our sins.

The college-aged woman was talking so loudly that I couldn't help hearing her at the restaurant table next to mine.

"I know I did the wrong thing, but it's good. It showed me I'm just like everyone else at the church. I'm not perfect." 

The sin she was describing to her friend was casual sex, and she talked about it without expressing any genuine sorrow.

All of us would like to excuse our sins, explain them away, compare ourselves to others, and convince ourselves they've not so bad. But doing this seriously damages our relationship with the Lord. In fact, if we know we've violated God's commands but we don't genuinely repent, Jesus says we don't love Him (John 14:21).

Unrepentant sins separate us from a close relationship with the Lord (Isaiah 59:2).

The Bible says:

  • Unrepentant sin should make us miserable (James 4:8-10).
  • Refusal to confess sin is like calling God a liar and emptying our heart of His Word (1 John 1:8-10). 
  • Faith in Jesus leads to godliness, not permissiveness (Titus 1:1).

Even if you don't usually do the Bite Size Bible studies that accompany some Bible Love Notes, I encourage you to do today's: Saul Excuses His Sins and Loses His Favor from God.

Sin damages our souls and our relationship with the Lord. We must not have a casual attitude toward our sins.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail, great point. Focusing on a wrong and then not acknowledging and repenting from it is sad and I am sure I do this too. Great encouragement to dig a little deeper and get on our knees before our Lord.
    God bless

  2. This is so good. I've been thinking and writing about repentance myself this week in relation to our sanctification. There are no "little sins." Either we're sinning or we're not.

    Do we even have a clue how completely holy God is? I'm stopping right now to sing "Holy, Holy, Holy" and pausing at the words -- "only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, perfect in power, in love and purity." Perfect holiness. And yet we dare to excuse our sins before Him. We need to remember the reason for the cross.

    I'm also thinking about the angels in Revelation who proclaim God's holiness - and so shall we someday when we are completely glorified and like our Jesus, because we will see Him as He is (1 John 3:2-3). With that hope in our hearts, we need to purify ourselves, even as Jesus is pure.

    Thank you another opportunity to "think straight" about the truth, Gail.
