
6 Things Suffering Has Taught Me

We so often think of suffering in negative terms, but there's a great deal we can learn from it. This 1-minute devotion offers 6 Things Suffering Can Teach us.

Difficulties in our lives are some of our best "teachers."

From my personal experience, suffering has:

1. Given me a clearer image of Who God is.
2. Made me less selfish.
3. Made me less self-righteous.
4. Strengthened me spiritually and emotionally.
5. Made me more sensitive to the problems of others.
6. Made me more grateful.

I can still be self-righteous, self-centered, emotionally and spiritually weak, insensitive to the problems of others, and ungrateful. But suffering has helped me mature in my faith in ways that nothing else has.

My heart still breaks over things that have happened, but I am truly thankful for the growth that has come through these painful experiences.

When we "suffer grief in all kinds of trials" we prove the genuineness of our faith which God says is "of greater worth than gold" (1 Peter 1:6-7).

So, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

See also Hebrews 12:1-12.

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We so often think of suffering in negative terms, but there's a great deal we can learn from it. This 1-minute devotion offers 6 Things Suffering Can Teach us.

Bible Love Notes
We so often think of suffering in negative terms, but there's a great deal we can learn from it. This 1-minute devotion offers 6 Things Suffering Can Teach us.


  1. I really enjoy your short, focused posts, Gail. They speak right to the heart. Thank you for your ministry here in the blogosphere.

  2. This is so true! God bless you for your wise and timely blog posts.

  3. very true indeed, Gail! Thank you for sharing this.
