
Saved by Shoplifting

This true story illustrates several wonderful truths about our salvation as Christians. And it only takes 1 minute to read!

When she told me she was saved by shoplifting, I was intrigued.

She explained that when the Christian store owner caught her shoplifting, he made the most of the opportunity (Colossians 4:5) and gave her two choices: Bible study or arrest. 

She naturally chose Bible study, and it changed her life. 

Getting caught was the best thing that ever happened to her (Romans 8:28). And the merciful store owner not only led her to the Lord but later became her employer. 

That's salvation—it catches us red-handed in our sins and gives us a choice: pay the penalty of eternal death or take a place in the "employ" of our merciful Savior, taking up His cross and following Him. See Matthew 16:24; John 3:16.

And those of us who choose to follow Christ are not only saved, we're changed! 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

That's the best thing that ever happens to us! 

Can I get an "Amen"? 

If you'd like to do a Bite Size Bible study about this devotion, check it out HERE

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This true story illustrates several wonderful truths about our salvation as Christians. And it only takes 1 minute to read!

This true story illustrates several wonderful truths about our salvation as Christians. And it only takes 1 minute to read!

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail, this is so powerful! Thank you for writing it so others can be captivated how God's love transformed a situation and affected eternity! Wow Dee Wow! :)

  2. Great post. Praising our Merciful God today. Quoting you in my next "Choices" newsletter (January).

  3. Love this story!!! Thank you for sharing!

  4. If ever there were a person looking for redemption, it has to be this person who thought that shoplifting in a Christian book store was a good idea!! And the same applies to the critics who regularly show up on social media to point out what Christians are doing is wrong. They are literally dying for salvation and don't realize it. God chases us down until we catch up to him.
