
Paper or Plastic Decisions

This devotion uses the recycling question "Paper or Plastic?" to highlight more important questions about our spiritual environment.

Our world places a high value on keeping our physical environment safe. Store clerks sometimes ask if we want plastic or paper bags because paper is biodegradable.

But what about our moral and spiritual environment?

Those who live immoral lifestyles damage their hearts and souls, but they also damage our culture and our communities. Sins are not biodegradable like paper bags. They emit toxins that have far-reaching effects.

We have a responsibility to our fellow man as it relates to our physical environment, but we have an even greater responsibility to our fellow man for our moral and spiritual environment.

Christians must stand strong in the midst of moral pollution, being salt and light (Matthew 5:13-14). And we must guard our hearts and minds (Proverbs 4:23).

Fleeing from spiritual pollutants (2 Timothy 2:22), let's glorify God in whatever we do (1 Corinthians 10:31). 

Next time a store clerk asks you "Paper or plastic?" let it be a reminder to pray for the moral environment of our country.

This devotion uses the recycling question "Paper or Plastic?" to highlight more important questions about our spiritual environment.


  1. This is a great reminder Gail! Andy Stanley gave a message where he stated that it's impossible to be irresponsible completely on your own. Someone always has to be responsible and pick up the pieces for irresponsibility . . . either you do it yourself (which is being responsible) or someone else has to be responsible for you. Our choices always affect the people around us. Thanks for another great devotional thought.

  2. I haven't seen paper bags in years it is either plastic or cloth here. When we were on Maui we had to buy a cloth bag no plastic bags allowed. The moral choice are changing society so fast it makes your head spin. Thanks
