
Praying for People in Your Path

This devotion suggests a way to "pray continually" making every activity an adventure in prayer!

When I lived in Budapest, I would regularly encounter people in the streets needing prayer. 

Because we walked or rode public transportation, we saw a good cross-section, the well-dressed and the poor, the healthy and the crippled:  

⮚ The man on the floor of the underground metro station, buried beneath dirty blankets, sleeping off the previous night's cheap wine. 

⮚ Young people on their way to school.

⮚ The aging gypsy woman kneeling on the dirty sidewalk extending her hand begging for money.

⮚ A sweet-looking elderly woman selling flowers to supplement her small pension.

A 1-minute devotion that offers a powerful way to use prayer in  daily life circumstances.
I often wondered what was going on inside these people's hearts, and the Lord started prompting me to pray for them. In fact, every time I'd get on a metro or bus, I'd choose a stranger and pray for him or her during the ride. 

Living in Budapest reminded me to pray regularly. Sadly, I've not done it since returning to the States. But I want to start again.

Praying for strangers helps us remember that we can be serving the Lord no matter our circumstances. And it teaches us to maintain an attitude of prayer - "praying continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). 

Let's ask God to help us make every activity an adventure in prayer!

This devotion suggests a way to "pray continually" making every activity an adventure in prayer!

Bible Love Notes


  1. The other day I was on the bus and the girl that takes the money seemed to be having a really bad day and then I saw her wipe some tears. I felt the Lord prompting me to pray for her. I don't know what happened to her before or after but I know that I took some time to pray for her and her physical needs as well as her spiritual needs.
    I'm working on noticing those around me and though I can't help them all I can pray. Your series has been an encouragement to me.
    Bethany in Brazil.

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Bethany. This is a great example of this principle. And I'm sure God used your prayers more than you may ever know.
      Bless you,

  2. Thank you for sharing. I have heard Joyce Meyer say several times to get your mind off yourself and your problems we should be a blessing to others. I have felt God nudging me to start a prayer notebook and keep track of people to pray for. That's my plan this week to get started!

    1. Yes, Joan, I find that when I focus on others it really helps me see my problems in perspective. I pray that using a prayer notebook will bless your prayer time.

  3. Yes, Gail, I too wonder what is going on in hearts of the people I come across. I have to stop (more often) and pray for these people God puts in my path. You are right on track with this - keep on serving Him!

  4. What a beautiful heart God has given you Gail! You truly are an example to me and to so many others!
    I do very little of these in my daily interactions with my clients (people with disabilities) but I will try doing more. Thanks for such practical ideas!
    Love you

    1. Marta,
      You are so sweet, and I thank you for the encouragement. I know God has given you a special heart for the people you help in your work too. Bless you!

  5. I have been praying for my mother-in-law, with whom my husband and I live. Her negative attitude has made me feel so unhappy, I figure that she must be even more unhappy and I pray that God will meet her where she is and bless her.

    1. I love your attitude, Jenn. What a great example for others dealing with a difficult relationship. May God richly bless your efforts.
