
3 Ways to Avoid "Friendly Fire" in the Church

Sometimes well-meaning Christians shoot down God's plans in our lives. This 1-minute devotion tells us how to avoid this "friendly fire."

Don't let anyone talk you out of God's plans and purposes for your life...

Perhaps the saddest fatalities in any war are those caused by friendly fire. 

And perhaps the saddest hindrance to Christian growth is also "friendly fire."

There was a time when that friendly fire came in the form of rigid, self-righteous, hypocritical judgment, but that's rare today. 

I think the most common friendly fire in the Church today comes in the form of downplaying Kingdom work or holiness. 

In war, friendly fire comes from the gun of a frightened, confused, or uninformed soldier. The dead or wounded soldier never sees it coming because he trusts his comrade. 

When Christian friends talk us out of something God is guiding us to do, they are also frightened, confused, or uninformed about godly priorities and sacrifices. 

That's why we must be careful to

1. Test our thoughts/ideas/plans against the truths of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

2. Ask for prayer from those who are more dedicated than we are (Ephesians 6:18). 

3. And then, just do it! (James 1:22)

Sometimes well-meaning Christians shoot down God's plans in our lives. This 1-minute devotion tells us how to avoid this "friendly fire."

Bible Love Notes


  1. That is so powerful. Thank you for never being afraid to tackle tough topics, Gail.

  2. Very powerful post. "The dead soldier never sees it coming because he trusts his comrade." May we be wise in who we trust & whose counsel we seek. Tough thought but much needed. I visited from A Little R & R.
    Have a blessed Wed.!

  3. There have been so many times that I wished for my friends to try to talk me out of something that I knew God was leading me into. Instead, they would always encourage me to follow His plan no matter how frightened or anxious I was. Lol!

  4. Yesh, too late for that. I already got hurt from friendly fire from my church and still continue the layman for Prayer Meeting. He said he said there were no miracle, no excited or no good news...

    1. So sorry this happened to you. Don't let people talk you out of the value of prayer and the amazing ability of our God!
