
Your Heart's Firewall

This 1-minute devotion makes an interesting comparison between a computer firewall and our conscience.

A computer “firewall” is a security system that protects our computers from untrusted and unsafe sites. If we don’t have a firewall, our computer can easily be hacked. 

Did you know that our heart also has a “firewall”? It’s our God-given conscience. When we start to do something against God’s principles, God’s Spirit sends us a message telling us to turn back because going forward is unsafe, self-destructive, or foolish. 

So why do some people lie without a second thought? Why do some people act unkindly, self-righteously, or immorally without regret? What happened to their firewall? 

Scripture tells us that our conscience can be “seared” and we can lose all sense of shame (1 Timothy 4:1-2; Ephesians 4:19). It starts when we ignore a warning message…and then another…and then another. Eventually, we don’t hear the warnings, and we begin to redefine sin to fit our behavior. You might say our conscience gets hacked. 

Today let's think carefully and prayerfully about our sensitivity to our heart’s firewall messages: Do we still remember the difference between purity and immorality? Do we take God’s way out when we’re facing temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13)? It's the only way to maintain our God-given conscience.

This 1-minute devotion makes an interesting comparison between a computer firewall and our conscience.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Amazing that a young child learns to lie at such an early age, and continues. I do hope I am not in that group for my tongue has been converted to Jesus speak. We do need to watch ourselves. I know some (a few) who can't tell the truth if their life depended on it. :-)

    Oh yes, this is Hazel and I note my husband has his site listed in your comments. He is writing continued stories and is offering his free e-book on his site. A new release will also be free for a limited time. in a few days

    1. Yes, I agree that it is amazing and sad how early we learn to do the wrong things. But then, I guess we are born with a sin nature.

  2. Those who lie more often than they tell the truth have deceived themselves as much as they deceive us. Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!

  3. I like your comparison of our conscience being like a firewall. It makes it easy to remember. Thanks for hosting Gail. Have a blessed day!!

  4. I've witnessed people lying when the truth would have been much easier to tell. Makes me wonder, sometimes. Thanks for another good note.

  5. Love the firewall analogy! Yes, repentance is the key because the more you lie the easier it would be to continue to lie, and then you would just be the habitual liar who believes their own lies that you talked about. Honestly, it just seems to much easier to tell the truth in my opinion! Thanks for hosting today.

    1. Thanks for sharing your insights, Nan, and thanks for linking up.
      : )

  6. What a great analogy! I loved this entire post. Thank you for sharing this today.May we not only walk in truth but be truthful.
    Have a great Friday!

    1. Thanks, Joanne,for the encouraging comment. Have a great Friday too.

  7. The firewall analogy is a one hadn't thought about but it that is a very good way of describing it. Hope you have fabulous Friday, Gail.

  8. Hi Gail, I love this. Going to pass it on. IMO, there is a lot of that going on in the world today. Thanks for this fab link up, friend.


  9. Thanks for allowing me to share at your awesome site!
