
Bullets & Bibles - How Pocket Bibles Save Soldier's Lives

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2011 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

Bullets & Bibles


  1. This is a really clever post! I never realized they had metal covers on the Bibles. Thanks for sharing two interesting thoughts :)

    1. Yes, it's a wonderful little New Testament printed by the American Bible Society with a letter "from the White House" on the front page commending the reading of the Bible. The White House letter is signed, but I can't make out the name and it doesn't appear to be the name of a President or I think I would recognize it. In the back it has the 10 Commandments, a few Psalms, Some Christian hymns, and the National Anthem plus a very short "Where to Look" index.
      I wish my father were alive so I could ask him if it was issued to him or if it was a gift from someone.
      Thanks for enjoying it with me.

  2. I love stories like these, Gail. What a treasure you have in your father's Bible. And the president commending the reading of the Bible? Wow. Thank you for sharing this today!

    1. Yes, Meghan, I really do treasure that little Bible.
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your encouragement.

  3. My heart is warm. Thank you so much for sharing.
