
Look at the Firefly and Praise Our Creator

Some incredible facts about fireflies and some incredible thoughts about our God. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy #Firefly

They say our world just happened … 
from a random explosion or some other accident … 
and then life haphazardly evolved from mutations … 
with stronger organisms clobbering weaker ones.

But look at the firefly. 

Oxygen combines with three other substances in the cells of this tiny bug and produces a glow that turns it into a delightful little flashlight. 

But it's more complex than that: Different species of fireflies have different "flash fingerprints" with carefully timed and numbered pulses and flying patterns. 

But it gets better: There are only two places in the world where fireflies flash in unison in a "simultaneous bioluminescence" — Southeast Asia and Tennessee. No one knows why. Nor does anyone know why fireflies don't live west of the Rocky Mountains. 

I don't know why either, but I'm proud to say: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11 

Source: 10 Fun Firefly Facts

100 year old Hungarian farm
To read some other 1-minute devotions on the wonder of God's creation:
Or check out the beauty of God's creation in the pictorial post I did in 2012 when we were on a 100-year-old Hungarian Farm.

Some incredible facts about fireflies and some incredible thoughts about our God.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Dear Gail
    Oh, that we would glow with the Life of our Lord Jesus all over the world for His glory alone.
    Blessings XX

  2. Anyone in their right mind must realize there is a God. Thank you for sharing the complex firefly!
    Also thank you for hosting your lovely site.

  3. Gail,

    I just did a big sigh thinking of fireflies - we are heading to our mountain home for the holiday weekend and I will be watching them from my porch all weekend. They make me think of angels. Like Mia said, "that we would all glow with the Life of our Lord Jesus..." One day we will, and I can't wait.


  4. Love this, Gail. You know how I feel about our Creator and His creation! Thanks for sharing this: I had no idea! (P.S. I hope you can go to the Creation Museum sometime!)

    1. Thanks for linking up, Kim, while you are traveling for the Lord.
      I loved this info about fireflies too, and yes, the Creation Museum sounds like a good trip to take one or two of the grands on.
      Love you, friend.

  5. God's creation speaks for itself! Only the fool says there is no God. Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!

  6. Just one of many, many amazing examples of God's creations! I have never seen a firefly but I would LOVE too! I think they would be so beautiful. I'd also love to see the Northern lights (much easier to spell than Aurora borealis, lol!). Thanks for hosting today.

    1. Yes, Nan, I am continually amazed by the beauty and complexity of God's creation.

  7. I live in Tennessee and every summer I enjoy the beautiful fireflys at night. They light up the night sky and I just sit in ahh wondering how something so great could ever be taken for granted. I guess since Tennessee is used to seeing this, they think nothing of it anymore. I didn't realize Gail that they were only in my state and no one else gets the opportunity to see the site of the fireflys at night dancing in the sky. Thanks for sharing!

    1. From my understanding,Jamie, they are in many states, but they only do this special "simultaneous bio-luminescence" in Tennessee where they light up together in one of their "dances." But I'm sure they are more prevalent in TN than in other states. And they apparently aren't in any states west of the Rockies.

  8. When I go to the zoo, I am so amazed at just how creative our God is. Creation surely tells of His existence.

  9. Yes, Wanda, it is an ever-present reminder of our Creator!
    Have a blessed day : )

  10. I just loved this post! Lately I have been amazed at the creativity of God and this is just a wonderful example!

  11. HI Gail! Wouldn't it be amazing to see fireflies lighting up in unison? Wow. Worth the trip to Tennessee! God is so beautiful in his diversity of life.

    Always good to be here, Gail. And thanks again for hosting the bloghop :)

  12. I love reading random facts about creation that point to the truth that creation was not random at all!!! Great post & thank you for hosting the link up!
    Have a great Saturday!

  13. I had no idea of so many facts about fireflies, but it is wonderful to know that. One more reason to see God's glory and perfection in every little detail. I knew not all the fireflies are the same, because the ones we have in Romania just walk on the ground, don't fly .. and are way much smaller than these I've seen here in US.. But thanks for sharing. Now I have another great reason to share with everyone why I believe there is a God, and that we did not "happen" by a mistake.. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Awesome! I had no idea they flashed in unison anywhere; now I want to go see it! I always use giraffes when evolution comes up. They are born backwards with their neck along their body and their head between their back feet instead of their front. There is just no way that can just happen one day and havea species be successful!

    1. Love it, Ashley. Now you have me wanting to research the giraffe! God is so creative.

  15. This is amazing!!Now I wish I remember where I saw fireflies for the first time. I don't think it was in SE Asia but in New York. I remember being amazed with them!!

  16. what about magnets? you can't explain that!!

    1. Another great example of God's marvelous creation, Shawn. Thanks for sharing it.
