
If you were arrested for being a Christian, would they have enough evidence to convict you?

This question is more important than you may think. This 1-minute devotion shares some sad statistics and some wonderful promises.

If you were arrested for being a Christian, would they have enough evidence to convict you?

Studies show that many evangelical Christians are similar to non-Christians in regard to rates of divorce, premarital sex, use of pornography, and racism! That's disturbing!

There are Christians who seek to live according to Scripture, and they are noticeable. Some people hate them for their beliefs despite their gracious presentation of biblical truths, but they remain faithful to Christ (1 Peter 3:15-17).

What about you? Do your neighbors, friends, and co-workers know you love Jesus?

Being "in Christ" should be an obvious part of the impression we leave on others.

"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13 

What a compliment … for people to note that we have been with Jesus. I want that … don't you?

Why not take a few minutes and do the Bite Size Bible Study on this devotion. Using Scripture verses (whole text included) answer the question: "What are some of the things that should mark the lives of believers?"

This question is more important than you may think. This 1-minute devotion shares some sad statistics and some wonderful promises.

Bible Love Notes


  1. May I just disagree on one point. "Studies show that evangelical Christians are similar to non-Christians in regard to..." (then follows a list of sinful behaviors. Well, one of those studies, maybe the most famous, was conducte by George Barna. It has a serious methodological flaw - "born again Christians" are those who self reported as such... big deal! Christ said that now all who say "Lord, Lord!" will enter the Kingdom, but those who obey Him. My point is, the so called "evangelical Christians" are an extremely heterogeneous group. Of course,true believers do also fall into temptation (David in the OT will asure you), but certainly NOT in rates "similar to" non Christians. The problem seems to be equating "born again Christians" to "evangelical Christians". I do understand the point you want to make. We HAVE to be different. But using the Barna statistics is neither scientific nor theologically fair.

    1. Your point is a good one, João. All studies are based on the honesty and understanding of the participants.

      I feel like my experiences in the American Church would support the Barna statistics. But,as you say, not all who call themselves Christians are genuine.

  2. A very challenging message. I can assure you that personally I won't be guilty as charged. I'm really not sure how to share Jesus with others. In our part of the world it's not the easiest thing to share Jesus. I'm from the middle east and specifically the gulf region where at least 90% of the population are Muslims. I try to live every day in a way that shows my commitment to the Lord. It's just that I don't know how or may be I'm afraid to share the message of the gospel. If I'm openly asked then I will surely answer. But I don't have the courage to share the Lord.

    1. Hi Hadi,
      God bless you for living your faith in a difficult environment. I pray you will continue to feel God's strength and comfort.

      I pray that you have found other believers to have fellowship with, and I know God will give you wisdom about how and when to share your faith.

      God bless you!
